Smart Automation

Automate the automation

Jade avatar
Written by Jade
Updated over a week ago

Smart Automation

Avvoka offers smart automation for its users for various use cases. You can now “automate the automation”. This will save a lot of your time since you can simply upload the template to Avvoka and automatically apply the automation in seconds without having the need to manually include placeholders and conditions. Please note you may need to contact your Account Manager so they can turn on this feature for your Organisation.

How does it work?

For utilising Avvoka’s Smart Automation feature, you need to prepare your template by applying certain markers (square brackets and conditions) beforehand:

Placeholders: Text needs to be wrapped in square brackets with the first letter of every word capitalised. e.g: [Placeholder] or [Employer Name].

In the example below, the intended placeholder is Employer Name, and the first letter of both the words are capitalised. In this way, the system will identify them.

Conditions: They can be used for both inline and block conditions, they need to be wrapped in square brackets with a footnote at the end. Footnotes play a vital role here since they are the markers which help the system recognize conditions within a template.

e.g: [Conditional text example here]

The text of the footnote becomes the text of the question for conditions. In other words, the footnote text is the question text in the questionnaire. By default, they will be triggered with a ‘Yes’ value, but this can be amended. A footnote must necessarily be present at the end of your conditions for smart automation to be utilised or else your condition would not be recognized as one by the system.

When applying Smart automation, you can choose to preserve the footnotes of your conditions in the document. This is optional, since adding footnotes in this instance is merely acting as a marker in the case of smart automation which will help the system to recognize conditions.

The process for block conditions and in-line conditions is the same.

Note: When adding conditions for numbered paragraphs, you need to ensure the whole line of text is wrapped, otherwise it turns into an inline condition. This means including the first open bracket above the para you want the condition to be in, and putting the closed bracket at the end of the same paragraph, and then inserting a footnote.

How to use it?

Once you have prepared your template with the necessary markers, you will need to save it before applying smart automation.

Navigate to icon next to the save button and click it. The icon will look like this:

If you can't find the icon, get in touch with your account manager so they can activate this feature for your organisation.

A pop-up will offer whether you want Placeholders to be identified or Conditions or both of them in your template. You can choose either or both. If you select conditions you will have the option to keep the footnotes (if you don’t tick the box, the footnotes associated with the conditions will be removed).

Once done, hit 'Automate', the system will inform you the number of placeholders/conditions identified within your template.

All placeholders will automatically appear in your template in the same way as if they would have been manually automated. Placeholders will have our default wording for questions (just like when you add them manually), so, if your placeholder is the term: [Name], the default wording for the question will be: Provide your [Name]. For instance, since in this example, we have a placeholder: Employer Name, so the default wording will be: Provide your [Employer Name].

Conditions will be named with an automatic attribute and the footnote text will be included as the question. Radio buttons will be added assuming it will be triggered by a ‘Yes’ value. This can be amended.

After applying smart automation you can test it in Live demo.

You can also mass generate documents from your automated template.

Note: Running Smart automation would create a single placeholder for placeholders with same names. For instance, for a document requiring the names of three Founders of a company with the template having all three placeholders called ‘Founder’, the system would recognize them as one single placeholder, and only one question for this would be created in the questionnaire populating the name of the one mentioned ‘Founder’, thrice in the document when answered. Hence, you have to manually alter the placeholders with same names which are recognized by the system as one.

Smart automation cannot create customised attribute names, each condition will create 'Autoattribute 1' - which means if you want to link attributes in the template, it would be done manually. Also, it would involve manually changing the attribute names if you want to use the template for analytics.

Coming soon….

AI assisted automation, stay tuned!

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