

Moustafa avatar
Written by Moustafa
Updated over a week ago

Visibility conditions

Visibility conditions appear below the “question type” box and are used to show / hide the question. You can either choose the suggested visibility condition which is created based on the conditionality found in your template, or create a custom visibility type.

Choosing which Party answers the question

You will see there is a tick box that allows you to change which party has to answer the question. You can either select all questions by selecting the tick box at the top and then pressing "change party" and selecting which party should answer, or selecting the individual questions.

change party icon:

Mandatory validation

You have the option to make specific questions mandatory for users to answer. You can accomplish this in two ways: either by selecting the tick box at the top to choose all questions and then clicking "Apply mandatory validation to selected questions" to specify which questions should be mandatory, or by individually selecting the questions. If you decide to make certain questions non-mandatory, you can use the same method by clicking "Remove mandatory validation from selected questions".

Explanatory text

You can add explanatory text throughout the questionnaire to aid users. You can add this by hovering over a question and selecting the symbol blue plus sign below or above the question. You have the option to assign it a visibility condition (so it only displays in certain scenarios) and can allocate a Party to it. You can use markdown to format the text.

Required fields

Questions can be made mandatory by clicking the “Required” box below the question type box.

Default values

Insert default values in any input text fields within the questionnaire. A default value will be dropped into the document if a user leaves the relevant text field blank when answering the questionnaire

Formatting the questions

You can use markdown to format the question text.

Integrate attributes into the questionnaire

Insert ~ to add in attributes in a document’s title or in the questionnaire as shown in image below. Use the default value tool to ensure that a document’s title or question always appears complete.

Reordering the questionnaire

Questions can be easily reordered by pressing the Compress toggle button and dragging each question using the left-hand bar next to each attribute in the questionnaire.

To re-arrange a group of questions in the questionnaire select the tick boxes of the required questions and then you can drag and drop them as necessary.

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