Avvoka automatically suggests its users to change the type of question into a ‘Radio buttons’ and 'Select' question when the answer will trigger an inline or block condition. If the condition expects a ‘Yes’/’No’, value to be triggered then the system suggests the user to transform the question associated to that condition into a 'Radio buttons', and when the user has multiple options in a condition, then the auto-suggestion would be to make the question a 'Select' one with the options that would trigger the different conditions.
Note: Auto-suggest is recommended to use because in case you make a typo, especially with dropdown or select options, if your options don't match your values, your condition will not be triggered (a very common templating mistake). Using the auto-suggestion feature will prevent the same from happening.
How does it work? (Radio Buttons)
Create a condition on the document with a 'Yes' or 'No' value.
Now, you will find a question created automatically based on the condition you just created in the document in the questionnaire. On the relevant question, you will find a blue geared wheel fading in and out, on clicking which you will be presented with a suggestion to change the input method of your question. On clicking ‘Apply’, the question will be transformed from its previous stage which was ‘Text’ to a ‘Radio buttons’ question.
How does it work? (Select)
Create a condition on the document. For instance, in the example below, a block condition has been created for the user to add multiple options in the condition for 'Entity', namely: 'Bank' and 'Corporate'.
Now, you will find a question created automatically based on the condition you just created in the document in the questionnaire. On the relevant question, you will find a blue gear wheel fading in and out, on clicking which you will be presented with a suggestion to the input method of your question. On clicking ‘Apply’, the question will be transformed from its previous stage which was ‘Text’ to a ‘Select’ question with the options needed to trigger your conditionality and all the values added for that attribute.