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Varying user access rights

A short tutorial on how to vary user access rights as a profile admin

Moustafa avatar
Written by Moustafa
Updated over 2 years ago

Profile administrators can vary user access rights from the “Edit Profile” page of the Account tab.

1. Click on your profile name to bring up a drop down list. Then, click on "Settings". After that, click on "My profiles" on the left hand bar and select the profile you wish to edit.

2. You will then see an overview of the different users on your profile and their rights. Click on the blue "Edit profile" button at the top right of the box.

4. Select the relevant rights under Profile Users for any existing or new users. Once you are done editing the rights, click the "Update Profile" button.



Example User


The user is able to create and edit Templates and create new documents from those Templates

A director who has full scope to vary the Templates

New document

The user is able to create new documents from Templates only

A sales agent who enters into standard form agreements


The user is only able to view documents saved on that Profile

An auditor reviewing company legal documents

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