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Managing Profile Users

User access rights on profiles

Moustafa avatar
Written by Moustafa
Updated over 2 years ago

Understanding users

Individual Users on the system are identified by their email address and are assigned to a Profile by a Profile (or Organisation) administrator. 

Users can amend their own information (e.g. name, email address etc.) from the "My details" section of the “Settings” tab of the application. Additional settings like the regularity of system emails can also be configured from this Account tab.

Profile details

Each User assigned to a Profile is assigned an access right when added to the system by the relevant administrator. Profile administrators can vary user access rights from the Edit Profile page of the "Settings" tab, after accessing "My profiles" from the sidebar.

These access rights at Profile level fall into one of two categories of rights: (i) generic profile rights (governed by the red box in the screenshot); and (ii) profile-level document rights (governed by the blue box in the screenshot).

Generic Profile-level rights

The generic Profile-level rights govern the core functions of a User's experience on Avvoka and are set by administrators. These are split up into: Role, Manager and Admin rights


The Role dropdown for the user governs what Avvoka functionality they can use / see in the application. An explanation of the Roles is set out below



Example User


The user is able to create and edit Templates and create new documents from those Templates

A director who has full scope to vary the Templates

New document

The user is able to create new documents from Templates only

A sales agent who enters into standard form agreements


The user is only able to view documents saved on that Profile

An auditor reviewing company legal documents


If this right is set to active, this means the User is able to see all documents generated on the Profile. Without this right being active, Users are only able to see documents they have generated themselves / have been expressly added to.


If this right is set to active, this means this User is able to manage other Users on the Profile. They will have the ability to amend existing Users and add / remove other.

Profile-level document rights

This second category of Profile-level rights mirror what is available in the “Party” tab of any template. These document rights, if set for a User, will automatically be applied whenever that user is added to a document on Avvoka.

The rights fall into the following categories:

  • Document 'Edit" rights

  • Document "Sign" rights

  • Document "Invite" rights

  • Document "Controller" rights

For a reminder of what each of these rights does, visit the document rights page, here.

Allowing Profile-level document rights to take priority

If a particular User should always have certain rights on any document, then you may wish to configure these four rights to "Active". This will ensure that the User has a consistent experience in documents, no matter how the template has been configured.

If the document rights are left as ‘Default’, Users will simply inherit the rights that have been set for them at the relevant template level.

Note that, even if these rights are set, to be ‘active’ for a template, the template has to be configured to allow the profile-level document rights to take precedence over the template-level rights. To give priority to profile-level document rights for a class of user on a template, set the toggle to active for the relevant user class, as indicated in the screenshot below:

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