The Clause Library is a feature within Avvoka to help you manage and organise your standard clauses across templates. It acts as a repository for your commonly used clauses, and allows you to group together clause variants, and quickly update the same clause across multiple templates.
How does it work?
To access the Clause Library, navigate to the Templates tab, then select Libraries, and finally, select Clause library. From there, you can either select the Add clause button to create a new clause grouping or Upload clause from excel.
Each clause in the library is stored in groups. A group may be “Governing Law Clauses” while the variants would represent different jurisdictions such as “Canada”, “England”, and “Italy”.
When creating a new clause grouping, you will first be prompted to name the clause grouping like explained above, and can select which Profile and Organisation it will sit in.
You can then create the first key and variant of the group. It is important what you name the key as this will trigger whether the clause is included or not.
When saving the Clause Group, you can choose to either Save variant or Update as new version. The former is essentially a soft save and updates the existing versions of the clause and all the variants. Any connected templates using the clause grouping will inherit the new language.
If you choose the Update as new version option, it will prompt you to select which templates will use the newest version of the clause. You can choose to exclude variants from the group so that they are not a part of the new clause grouping.
How to include Clause Grouping into a Template?
To insert the Clause Grouping into a template, you can select the clause library icon
within the template under Automation. From there, you can either insert an individual variant or a whole clause grouping. For instance, if the template was only applicable for Canadian contracts, you may just wish to insert the Canadian Governing Law clause directly.
Alternatively, you can insert a whole group of clauses that is dynamically changed depending on what the user answers in an associated question.
If you insert a group of clauses, you must select which attribute it is dependent on. The answer given to the question associated with this attribute in the questionnaire will then trigger which variant of the clause grouping is inserted in the template.
More information about the Clause library can be found here.
Keywords: Clause library, Save variant, Clause grouping, Libraries