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Complex conditions

Moustafa avatar
Written by Moustafa
Updated over 10 months ago


Avvoka allows more complex conditions to be saved in the form of an “operation” that can be used elsewhere in the document. Using operations you can perform things such as mathematical calculations, localisation, comparison between attributes and more.

Operation definition: A function allowing the user to reformat and repurpose information entered into the questionnaire at a defined location.

Operations guide

You can review a detailed guide about operations here.

Quick overview of operations

To start off, navigate to the Operations tab in your template. Then, click the blue + button.

A pop up menu will appear on the right. Rename your operation to your desired name and click "Rename operation".

After you have done so, click the "Add" button to start creating a new operation.

Adding your operation into your template body

To add an operation to a template, navigate back to the "Document" tab in the sidebar of your template and click on the document body. Select the Automation tab in the top menu and click on Σ. This will prompt a window to open with a drop-down list.

Then, select the operation you have created to add into the document by clicking "Insert".

Below you can see an example of an operation added into a template. Note how operations have a distinguishable colour (different to placeholders).

Using operations in conditions

You can also make an inline or block condition dependent on the result of the operation, here for example or commission operation that calculates the requisite condition would trigger the inclusion of a clause if it equals 1500.

Depending on your operation, you can also use it so it will trigger your condition once the logic within your operation is fulfilled. For this you will create a conditions that will be triggered when your "operation = true".

This can be useful when you want to reuse complex conditional logic in your template.

For example here we have a more complex condition:

You can toggle the "rendering mode" to change the view of it, so you can see how to build the same logic using an operation. In that way instead building this complex condition multiple times in your template, you can only build it once as an operation and then add it to your conditions with "operation = true", so they will trigger if the logic is satisfied.

Operations Library

Users can create and save Operations in the Operation library for use in various templates.

Once in the Operation library, click the 'Add new operation' button and type in the name of the operation.

Press the 'Add' button to start building your operation. Once you have completed building the Operation click 'Update Operation' button to save the operation.

To apply the saved Operation, go into the relevant template and select the Operation tab. Click the 'Import' button at the top right of the screen and tick the checkbox next to the saved Operation you wish to import. The operation will now appear in your Operations tab.

Once the operation is added in your operation tab, is no longer linked to your operation library, so you can rename it or edit it as you want without affecting the content in the library.

Users can now also insert operations from their Operations libraries directly into the template. This can be done by navigating the "Automation" tab and clicking the last button

When hovered over the button says "Insert operation from library". By selecting this option, users can effortlessly incorporate any operation from their Operation library into the template, streamlining the process of template customisation and enhancing the overall efficiency.

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